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Hi guys!

These videos are part of my final graduate thesis in 3D Animation & Visual Effects at Academy of Art University. They're geared towards helping new animation students familiarize themselves with working on animated films. The scripts I mention in "Video #5: Helpful Tips" can be found here.


1. Welcome!

A brief overview of the Studio X Collaborative Thesis vs. the Studio X Class at Academy of Art University.

2. What is a Studio X Collaborative Thesis?

An overview of the graduate thesis development process for 3D animators at Academy of Art University and a review of the 3D animation/VFX pipeline.

3. Is the Studio X Collaborative Thesis Right For You?

A comparison of the standard vs. the Studio X thesis and some considerations for students trying to decide between the two.

4. Finding Projects

A guide to identifying films to work on as a Studio X thesis student.

5. Helpful Tips For Getting Started

An introduction to the "show bible," the difference between animation vs. visual effects film projects, and a list of useful Maya scripts and tools.

6. Dailies

An overview of dailies and some suggestions for best practices as an artist.

7. Final Notes

Some thoughts on wrapping up on a project and my contact information.



The complete list of videos in The Studio X Collaborative Thesis for Animators series is available on Vimeo:
1. Welcome! -
2. What is a Studio X Collaborative Thesis? -
3. Is the Studio X Collaborative Thesis Right For You? -
4. Finding Projects -
5. Helpful Tips For Getting Started -
6. Dailies -
7. Final Notes -





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